Spring Garden Hostel:

An urban hostel located in the Spring Garden Neighborhood on the northside of Pittsburgh, PA



The site for the hostel is on the northside of the Pittsburgh at the junction of Spring Garden Avenue and Vinial Street, located within the Spring Garden neighborhood of the city. An existing masonry shell is situated within the context, the remains of a supporting facility for 19th century tannery production on the northside. The role of the Spring Garden Hostel is to celebrate what already exists in the neighborhood while also revitalizing the area through the addition of the new structure. One wall of the masonry shell is removed to allow for the mass of the hostel to extend past the boundary of the shell towards the intersection of Spring Garden Ave and Vinial Street.

Sited Hostel Axonometric - Southern wall of existing shell removed for new hostel mass

Sited Hostel Axonometric - Southern wall of existing shell removed for new hostel mass

The mass of the hostel is defined by a path which carves through the structure. The voids by this path become the courtyards of the hostel. Guiding geometries of the path and structure are determined by the street corner and existing shell. The absence of mass in the courtyard reveals the interior face of the masonry shell to experience in contrast with the materials of the hostel.

The carving path informs the circulation, no longer a distinct singular line but a means of connecting program horizontally and vertically. The line expands to become spaces of gathering and compresses to return to hallway and stair circulation. Social zones are found adjacent to the primary circulation paths, promoting conversation and activity before returning to a bedroom.

Upper Left - Carving Path informs Courtyards, Upper Right - Guiding Compositional Lines, Bottom - Existing to New

Upper Left - Carving Path informs Courtyards, Upper Right - Guiding Compositional Lines, Bottom - Existing to New

Front Plaza - Ground condition triangulated similar to roof to encourage gathering and movement

Front Plaza - Ground condition triangulated similar to roof to encourage gathering and movement

Courtyards connected visually and spatially by passage that bisects bottom floor of the hostel

Courtyards connected visually and spatially by passage that bisects bottom floor of the hostel

First and Second Floor Plans

First and Second Floor Plans

Primary Gathering Space - The Heart of the Hostel

Primary Gathering Space - The Heart of the Hostel

Section cut through primary gathering space of hostel highlights upper floor mass floating above an open bottom floor

Section cut through primary gathering space of hostel highlights upper floor mass floating above an open bottom floor

Section cut through larger courtyard investigates vertical circulation, occupancy of bedroom, and various functional spaces for hostel guests

Section cut through larger courtyard investigates vertical circulation, occupancy of bedroom, and various functional spaces for hostel guests

The second floor of the hostel is arranged such that sleeping spaces are pushed to the edges of the mass to allow for spaces of transition and interaction. The sleeping spaces follow a similar language to the hostel mass itself as openings for bed entry, cubbies for luggage storage, and bedside shelves for personal belongings are all carved from the walls rather than being treated as discrete furniture elements. Occupants have room to interact with others in the space but are offered enough privacy when retreating into their bed unit for sleep.

Left - Sleeping Space Units, Right - Sleeping Space Occupancy

Left - Sleeping Space Units, Right - Sleeping Space Occupancy




Great Falls Shelter