
A kit-of-parts system manipulating sheet material to generate a vertical garden assembly; designed in collaboration with Abiola Morakinyo (CMU B.Arch, 2024)


Material Cut Sheet

Material Cut Sheet


The vision for the vertical garden was to design a kit of parts that finds variation through the user assembly rather than a global rule set. Similar to children’s toys such as Lincoln Logs or Tinker Toys, the pieces cut from the sheet material can be constructed in many assemblies using a notching connection system. Though variation is seemingly infinite, we explored system growth horizontally and vertically as well as open and closed language for unit relationship. To reclaim control over sheet material, an inherently flat process and outcome, the primary piece of the system uses a dense cutting pattern to allow it to bend. In combination with smaller connecting pieces and the notch connection method, users can grow the vertical garden however may fit their needs.

Design Matrix - Open to Closed, Horizontal Growth to Vertical Expansion

Design Matrix - Open to Closed, Horizontal Growth to Vertical Expansion

Vertical Garden Prototype Plans, Elevations, Sections

Vertical Garden Prototype Plans, Elevations, Sections

The chosen system assembly utilizes various connection methods to generate the vertical garden prototype. Vertical expansions is achieved with the stacking of structurally sound curved units using vertically notching. Smaller connector pieces lock the curve piece in place using horizontal slotting and notching.

Assembly Animation

Assembly Animation

Exploded Assembly

Exploded Assembly

space making.png
Full scale CNC mockup of system investigating connection methods and  curvature of 1/2” plywood

Full scale CNC mockup of system investigating connection methods and curvature of 1/2” plywood


Great Falls Shelter


Computational Explorations