Critical Composition:

An analysis of Filippo Brunelleschi’s Ospedale degli Innocenti (Hospital of Innocents)



Aerial View of Ospedale degli Innocenti

Photo: Teggelaar


View of Interior Courtyard

Photo: inexhibit

Plan of Ospedale degli Innocenti by Filippo Brunelleschi (Revised)

Plan of Ospedale degli Innocenti by Filippo Brunelleschi (Revised)

Top Row (From Top Left): Symmetry in Original Complex, Column Rhythm, Void, GeneratorBottom Row (From Bottom Left): Center Courtyard as Generator, Rhythm in Spatial Geometries, Hierarchy, Repetition

Top Row (From Top Left): Symmetry in Original Complex, Column Rhythm, Void, Generator

Bottom Row (From Bottom Left): Center Courtyard as Generator, Rhythm in Spatial Geometries, Hierarchy, Repetition

Diagrammatic Model Highlighting Symmetry of Geometries

Diagrammatic Model Highlighting Symmetry of Geometries

Hand Drafted Drawing of Ospedale degli Innocenti Floor Plan

Hand Drafted Drawing of Ospedale degli Innocenti Floor Plan

Digital Drawing of Ospedale degli Innocenti Floor Plan

Digital Drawing of Ospedale degli Innocenti Floor Plan

Sequential Spatial Experience

Sequential Spatial Experience


Mass and Composition


Generative Modeling - Strawberry